Difference between revisions of "1x Clover Cir, Colorado Springs, CO"

add permits, call sign, category; fix spelling
(add permits, call sign, category; fix spelling)
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Cell site on water tower
T-Mobile 5G on water tower in Stratmoor Hills

T-Mobile with 5G in Strathmore hills
== Speed test==
== speed test==

Speed test on Galaxy S24 with Metro by T-Mobile, NRSA 2Ca n41 90mhz plus n25 20 MHz https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/10167003075
Speed test on Galaxy S24 with Metro by T-Mobile, NRSA 2Ca n41 90mhz plus n25 20 MHz https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/10167003075

(4CA not enabled because of dual SIM mode)
(4CA not enabled because of dual SIM mode)
== Regulatory ==
There are permits at several addresses
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=O16271 O16271] 10 E. CLOVER CIR
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=K20945 K20945] 12 E. CLOVER CIR T-Mobile
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=D95631 D95631] 16 E. CLOVER CIR
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=F73926 F73926] 14 E. CLOVER CIR Sprint
For more permits, open one and click on "view other permits at this address.
See call sign [https://www.antennasearch.com/HTML/individual/antenna.php?unique_system_identifier=4017520&call_sign=WRAX594&location_number=1 WRAX594]
[[Category:T-Mobile in El Paso County Colorado]]
