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All three german providers share this 3G/4G mast right next to the Vodafone site with the massive 4G-enabled tower holding giant directional radio antennas.

[[File:Telekom-attila-2.jpg|200px|thumb|left|view from entrance to Vodafone, Attilastraße 63-66, with the Vodafone tower barely visible at the right]]
[[File:Telekom-attila-GSMR.jpg|200px|thumb|left|in beetween a GSM-R tower, next to the rails]]
[[File:Telekom-attila-5.jpg|200px|thumb|left|view from Attilastraße 55, entrance to Lackdoktor Bernd Flickinger GmbH]]
[[File:VF-attila-3.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Vodafones directional radio tower in front of the site]]