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Verizon, location unknown, maybe at [[Sierra Way, Monument, Colorado]]
This is a Verizon on a stealth tree at 16731 Happy Landing Dr, Monument, CO 80132

As of 2023-09-05 red dot is at 39.0951358,-104.8163501 (W Forrest Dr and Highway 105)
== Photo ==
Google Street View: [https://www.google.com/maps/@39.074874,-104.7999965,3a,41.9y,93.31h,98.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sf52lbhAH4pOYBbXHIg3HlA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu close up, May 2023]
== Permit ==
[https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=N37928 N37928] March to June 2021
== Historical location  ==
eNB 16723: As of 2023-09-05 red dot was at 39.0951358,-104.8163501 (W Forrest Dr and Highway 105) for error of 1.6 miles after almost two years since it was first seen.
eNB 316723: As of 2023-09-05 the red dot was by Higby and Roller Coaster for error of 2000 ft after two years since it was first seen.
[[Category: Verizon in El Paso County Colorado]]

Revision as of 02:07, 7 September 2023

This is a Verizon on a stealth tree at 16731 Happy Landing Dr, Monument, CO 80132


Google Street View: close up, May 2023


N37928 March to June 2021

Historical location

eNB 16723: As of 2023-09-05 red dot was at 39.0951358,-104.8163501 (W Forrest Dr and Highway 105) for error of 1.6 miles after almost two years since it was first seen.

eNB 316723: As of 2023-09-05 the red dot was by Higby and Roller Coaster for error of 2000 ft after two years since it was first seen.