Difference between revisions of "310 260 407816"

55 bytes removed ,  13:19, 18 January 2023
Removed mention of microwave backhaul
(Created page with "Converted from Sprint 581667.<br/> Tower is equipped with Commscope FFV4-65C-R3-V1, Nokia AEHC for n41, and an old Samsung B25 RRH. Backhaul is provided via microwave from Spr...")
(Removed mention of microwave backhaul)
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Converted from Sprint 581667.<br/>
Converted from Sprint 581667.<br/>
Tower is equipped with Commscope FFV4-65C-R3-V1, Nokia AEHC for n41, and an old Samsung B25 RRH. Backhaul is provided via microwave from Sprint 581695.
Tower is equipped with Commscope FFV4-65C-R3-V1, Nokia AEHC for n41, and an old Samsung B25 RRH.
