2G Cell ID Layout

TIM has no advanced system for theyr GSM number layout, the cell id just increases by one on each sector. If there are two GSM cells per sector theyr id isnt related.


TIM uses 1-3 UMTS2000 cells and one UMTS900 cell. In 2016 TIM started launching lots of Basestations, those appear to have only one single UMTS cell (900 MHz) with very little speed (about 1-5 Mbit down -51 dbm), but those Basestation seem to support future LTE upgrades.

Cell ID Layout

There is no Layout for UMTS frequencys. They get applayed one after another, it seems like TIM increases the count just by one with every new cell they launch.

4G (LTE)

TIM has 3 LTE blocks in use, 800 MHz (EDD B20) 10 MHz, 1800 MHz (DCS B3) mostly 15-20 MHz, 2600 MHz (IMT-E B7) 15 MHz. Tim also owns 20 MHz of 1500MHz L-Band but they dont use it.

Cell ID Layout

If Celll ID starts with 7 or 8:

Sector ID Frequency Band
21 2600 MHz (IMT-E)
22 2600 MHz (IMT-E)
23 2600 MHz (IMT-E)
43 1800 MHz (DCS)
42 1800 MHz (DCS)
41 1800 MHz (DCS)
61 800 MHz (EDD)
62 800 MHz (EDD)
63 800 MHz (EDD)

If Cell ID isn't starting with 7 or 8 sectors are named randomly mostly with a number from 1-9.