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T-Mobile rooftop on an apartment at 1061 N Elizabeth St, Denver, CO 80206

As of 2024-05-03, this is the cell site with the fastest download on T-Mobile according to CoverageMaps. (There is a faster site in Colorado Springs.)


taken 2024-05-05 from across the park

Google Street View September 2019

Speed test

Speed tests on Google Fi, taken outside just under the cell site:

  • Samsung Galaxy S22+, NR NSA, 2023-08-20: 719.93Mbps/132.88Mbps, 21ms (results)
  • Samsung Galaxy S24+, NR SA 3CA 90+15+100 MHz, 2024-05-03: 2048.53/96.52 19ms, (results, service mode)