Difference between revisions of "North 32nd Street, Colorado Springs"

add Google Street view
(create from other page)
(add Google Street view)
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[[File:2024-01-21 N 32nd St roof.jpg|400px|taken 2024-01-21]]
[[File:2024-01-21 N 32nd St roof.jpg|400px|taken 2024-01-21]]

The site is not visible using Google Street View
The site is on [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.8581896,-104.8727727,3a,15y,133.99h,101.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-JXkNQdgw0QFaozqL4X58g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu Google Street View] and [https://www.google.com/maps/place/38%C2%B051'28.1%22N+104%C2%B052'20.1%22W/@38.8577762,-104.872316,77m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d38.8578144!4d-104.872243?entry=ttu satellite view]

Verizon 16896 was pinned slightly wrong at 3202 W Platte Ave by Cjaiceman
Verizon 16896 was pinned slightly wrong at 3202 W Platte Ave by Cjaiceman
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* [https://www.pprbd.org/Plan/Details?Id=C179868&SpliceNum=&tid=170412 C179868]: CELL SITE MODIFICATION- T-MOBILE at 121 N. 32ND ST,  
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Plan/Details?Id=C179868&SpliceNum=&tid=170412 C179868]: CELL SITE MODIFICATION- T-MOBILE at 121 N. 32ND ST,  
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Plan/Details?Id=C166479&SpliceNum=&tid=157195 C166479]: The address for this Verizon installation is 115 1/2 N.
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Plan/Details?Id=C166479&SpliceNum=&tid=157195 C166479]: "The address for this Verizon installation is 115 1/2 N."
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=D50282 D50282] roof mount antenna 1999
* [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=D50282 D50282] roof mount antenna 1999

