311 480 66833
This site has been generating quite the controversy as of late - residents of Pittsfield believe that this tower is causing them negative health impacts, and want it removed.
In early 2022, the Pittsfield Board of Health took the "courageous" step of sending Verizon an order to cease & desist operation of the tower, prompting Verizon to sue them in federal court. Less than a month later, the board (with a lack of funding to fight their frivolous battle) would vote 4-0 to withdraw the cease & desist, prompting Verizon to drop the lawsuit.
With all that out of the way: this is a pretty standard 2020 setup for Verizon. They're using two CommScope antennas (likely NHH-65C-R2B or SBNHH-1D65C), connected to Samsung RRH-BR049 (PCS/AWS) and RRH-BR04C (B5/B13).