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Speed test on 2023-12-22 from the sidewalk across the street with a Samsung Galaxy S22, *-50 dBm, 30.0 SINR, NR SA N41: 946.83/107.18 Mbps, 17 ms ([https://www.speedtest.net/result/a/9787843252 results]. This was the strongest cell signal I have ever seen.
Speed test on 2023-12-22 from the sidewalk across the street with a Samsung Galaxy S22, *-50 dBm, 30.0 SINR, NR SA N41: 946.83/107.18 Mbps, 17 ms ([https://www.speedtest.net/result/a/9787843252 results]. This was the strongest cell signal I have ever seen.
[[Category:T-Mobile in El Paso County Colorado]]
[[Category:speed test]]
