310 260 11094 6349

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T-Mobile UMTS, LAC 11094, NB 6349

Best signals for NB 6349, including other LACs

NB LAC PSC Lat Long Note Signal Date
6349 11094 236 39.65211095 -104.9465126 -51 9/10/22
6349 11094 306 39.6336406 -104.93462084 -51 9/10/22
6349 11094 321 39.6532109 -104.94294922 -51 9/10/22
6349 11094 428 39.63581212 -104.93566084 -63 9/10/22
6349 11094 402 39.63005353 -104.93434187 -67
6349 11094 59 39.64996199 -104.94720161 -97 9/10/22
6349 11094 103 39.62344914 -104.93930271 -99 9/10/22
6349 11094 135 39.62347084 -104.93934976 -99 9/10/22
6349 11094 237
6349 11094 405