310 260 405808

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This is a T-Mobile cell site with limited bands mounted on UCCS University Hall. It is missing B41/N41.

LTE eNB 405808 was first seen December 2022, while decommissioned eNB 22461 was seen between October 2015 and November 2022.


painted antenna on east side of building, taken 3/24/2023

As of June 2021, there were older antennas (Google Street View).

As of May 2011, there were no antennas (Google Street View).

Speed test

Galaxy S22, Google Fi, close range, March 2023, NR NSA (B2+N41+N41+B66): 376.91/6.83 88ms (results, service mode). The N41 is coming from another physical site.


LTE eNB 405808 signal was -53 dBm at 38.88943488,-104.78756164 (next to UCCS University Hall, on the north westside of Union and Austin Bluffs).

NR gNB 1083935 signal was -51 dBm at 38.88968718,-104.78849527 (just north of University Hall) on 3/24/2023. I first saw it 1/30/2023.

NR gNB 1082381 signal was -61 dBm at 38.88852463,-104.7854251 (near middle of intersection of Union and Austin Bluffs) on 12/5/2022. I saw it only at this intersection, and it was last seen 1/2/2023. It seems to be the old gNB for the same location.

GSM NB 3225 signal -51 dBm at 38.88942854,-104.78760107 (next to UCCS University Hall) on 3/24/23.

2297 Flintridge

There is plan C173076 for 2297 FLINTRIDGE DR, which is a monopole 1000 ft to the east from University Hall. The Flintridge address has antenna permits from 1998, and it may be a legacy site. For Flintridge, see the Google Street View photo.

Plan C196659 is dated December 2024 to DEMO T-MOBILE SERVICE at 2295 FLINTRIDGE DR, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, 80918.

Photos of the Flintridge site.