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724 bytes added ,  05:22, 12 February 2023
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(Created page with "Permit: N99979 * https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=N99979 * 4590 HODGEN RD, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, 80908 * June 2022 * cell modification")
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This is a large, rural site on Hodgen Road. The tower has multiple carriers, and this page is about T-Mobile.
[https://www.google.com/maps/@39.070786,-104.7431866,3a,75y,359.09h,106.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stiqZ0NXS9gxXfZ4CoXKbpQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Google Street view]
== Speed test ==
Samsung Galaxy S22, February 2023, close range
* NR NSA: 186.10/22.21 Mbps, 77ms https://www.speedtest.net/result/a/9056079909
== Permits and registration ==
Permit: N99979
Permit: N99979
* https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=N99979
* https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=N99979
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* June 2022
* June 2022
* cell modification
* cell modification
[https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/AsrSearch/asrRegistration.jsp?regKey=621426 FCC ARS Registration 1061530]
== On this tower ==
* T-Mobile LTE eNB 22448 page (this page)
* T-Mobile LTE eNB 39705
* T-Mobile GSM 4235
* T-Mobile NR gNB 1080859 (?)
* Verizon LTE eNB ID 16347


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