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304 bytes added ,  17:23, 19 August 2023
update on outage
(add out-of-order update)
(update on outage)
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April 11, 2023: A few days ago, the pole was standing up, but it was still gutted of the antennas.
April 11, 2023: A few days ago, the pole was standing up, but it was still gutted of the antennas.
August 28, 2023: A month ago or more, there is new equipment on the pole, but the configuration is different. When right next to this small cell, my phone connects to the small cell to the north on Dynamic. CellMapper shows last seen for 16542-42 B4 was Jan 14, 16542-44 B2 Jan 22, 16542-46 B66 Aug 16.

== Permit ==
== Permit ==


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