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308 bytes added ,  23:28, 4 September 2023
add links for permit and photo
(add error)
(add links for permit and photo)
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T-Mobile on water tower on Baptist
T-Mobile on water tower on Baptist
Google Street View: [https://www.google.com/maps/@39.0566341,-104.8148773,3a,15.9y,119.31h,102.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syEi69A_z9DmDUY4fRcIIUQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-GB&entry=ttu May 2023, obstructed view]

Best signal -79 dBm NR at 39.05657095, -104.81343123 on 2023-08-13. Before this date, the "red" dot was at the north gate to the USAFA (~2.5 mile error).
Best signal -79 dBm NR at 39.05657095, -104.81343123 on 2023-08-13. Before this date, the "red" dot was at the north gate to the USAFA (~2.5 mile error).
Permit [https://www.pprbd.org/Permit/Details?permitNo=N34393 N34393]: 763 E. BAPTIST RD, April 2021

[[Category:T-Mobile in El Paso County Colorado]]
[[Category:T-Mobile in El Paso County Colorado]]


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