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(Moved tower map marker to the tower which is visible with a straight-down satellite view, as well as at streetview level. The huge tower it was on, is actually Sprint, and I've given that history too.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:10, 10 March 2018

The triple-level pole with lampshades as I call them, is AT&T. The huge tower out front is Sprint.

This was an acquisition made by Sprint at the time I worked for RadioShack down the street at 5305 E. Colfax - now actually a Sprint store, after that whole merger/store closing/bankrupcy process happened. For my first year at this store in 2003, there was absolutely horrid coverage inside, and even outside. I dropped calls left and right.

Then it so happened Qwest 'Advanced PCS' sold their network assets to Sprint, along with their customerbase, as for a few years prior Sprint had been their nationwide roaming partner preference. Once Sprint turned up new antennas on that tower in about 2004 the coverage was perfect in Park Hill. I never lost a call again, for the time I continued to work at that store.

I will map the Sprint tower as close as possible to get a good triangulation as well as ATT :) You can see the tower and "lampshade pole" much better at street-view level on Leyden between 14th and Colfax.

Google Street View of Sprint tower out front; AT&T tower in back next to Orange Truck